c/o Board of Representatives
888 Washington Boulevard, PO Box 10152
Stamford, CT 06904-2152
Cell (203) 912-8261
Board Activities:
- Clerk of the Board December 3, 1979 through November 30, 2017
- Member since December 1, 1977 for the 6th District
- Chairwoman of the Board’s Black Caucus
- Member of Steering, Appointments, and Land Use-Urban Redevelopment Committees
- Former member of Fiscal and State & Commerce Committees
- Board Representative to Old Town Hall Redevelopment Agency
Government & Political Activities:
- Member and Correspondence Secretary for Stamford’s Democratic City Committee
- Past president and current member of the Democratic City Women’s Club
- Stamford Chair for Dennies Nappier’s and Frank Borges’ election campaigns for State Treasurer
Community Organization Memberships:
- Stamford’s Old Town Hall Committee
- Trustee, Union Baptist Church and Chair, Facility Use Committee
- Past President, Yerwood Center and the Yerwood Center’s Women’s Club
- Stamford’s Center for the Arts Advisory Group
- St. John’s Urban Development Corporation
- Black History Month Committee Advisory Board
- Sojourner’s Truth and 100 Black Women
- Yerwood Center’s Outstanding Community Service Award (1985)
- Numerous awards from National and local NAACP, including the Distinguished Service Award (1981); Civil Rights Award (1989);Clarence Mitchell Award (1990); and W.E.B. Dubois Lifetime Achievement Award (2000)
- The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Day Committee’s Outstanding Community Leadership Award (2002)
- AFSCME Local 818’s “30 Years of Service” award (2000), Local 1199 Solidarity Award (2004)