Res. No. 1595
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application and execute an agreement with the Sate of Connecticut’s Historic Preservation Officer for the Historic Neighborhood preservation Program.
Res. No. 1596
Approves lease between the City of Stamford and the DeLaurentis Construction Co. for premises known as the Burdick School Playground.
Res. No. 1597
Authorizes application and agreement with the Sate Department of Health Services for the Purpose of Health Education/Risk Reduction.
Res. No. 1598
Approves change to Chapter 73, Section 749, Paragraph F of Charter Concerning Pension Benefits.
Res. No. 1599
Approves the exchange of Properties between the City of Stamford and American Cyanamid Company.
Res. No. 1600
Approves amendment to the Public Works capital Projects Budget for a project to be known as Scalehouse Repairs by adding the sum of $44,000.
Res. No. 1601
Authorizes the execution of an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Transportation for State grant-in-aid for the purchase of equipment and multimodal information program.
Res. No. 1602
Authorizes the amendment of the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for a project to be known as Transportation center Multimodal Information Display by adding the sum of $100,000.
Res. No. 1603
Approves amendment to the Transit District’s 1984/85 Capital projects Budget for a project to be known as Bus signs by adding the sum of $32,000.
Res. No. 1604
Adopts amendment to the 1984/85 Capital Budget for a project to be known as dial-a-ride mini bus replacement by adding the sum of $13,000.
Res. No. 1605
Authorizes the filing of a budget application for the Stamford Day Care Program.
Res. No. 1606
Authorizes preliminary application for State School Construction Grants for Board of Education Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1607
Authorizes the Town & City Clerk to mail ballots regarding creation of Historic District to each owner of record of real property to be included in the Historic District.
Res. No. 1608
Authorizes the Mayor to file Eleventh Year Application for the Community development Program of the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1609
Authorizes the issuance of $9,943,675 general obligation bonds of the City of Stamford to finance certain of the Capital Projects in the Capital Projects Budget for the fiscal years 1983/84, as amended, and 1984/85, as amended.
Res. No. 1610
Adopts the Operating and Capital Budgets for fiscal year July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986 at special meeting.
Res. No. 1611
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State Department of Children and Youth Services.
Res. No. 1612
Approves of a lease between the Stamford Boy’s Club, Inc. and the City of Stamford for premises located on the East Side of Stillwater Ave.
Res. No. 1613
Approves lease between Radio Stamford, Inc. and the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1614
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the Department of Transportation, United States America, for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation act of 1964, as amended, for Dial-a Ride Services to the Elderly.
Res. No. 1615
Approves Social Services Block Grant for the Summer Busing Program.
Res. No. 1616
Approves Amendment for the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for the Bureau of Sanitation –Emergency Appropriation for a Project to be known as Solid Waste Transfer Site in the Amount of $250,000.
Res. No. 1617
Approves Policy of Permit Fee Waivers.
Res. No. 1618
Approves extension of Lease of Rooms in Rice School to the Council of Churches and Synagogues for Shelter for the Homeless.
Res. No. 1619
Authorizes the Town and City Clerk to take administrative steps in establishing the proposed Old Long Ridge Village Historic District.
Res. No. 1620
Authorizes the Condemnation of sanitary sewer Easements through and under Property of Lila Macrides, Ronald and Sharon Sigel, and John and Mi Soon Erglis for the purpose of completing the sanitary and storm sewer system known as Section 16-2A.
Res. No. 1621
Approves Amendment to the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget by Closeouts and transfers from various accounts, adding to a project to be known as North Street Bridge in the amount of $121,672.51.
Res. No. 1622
Approves purchasing practices of the City of Stamford, pursuant to Charter Section 484.1 “Duties of Purchasing Agent”.
Res. No. 1623
Authorizes the Filing of a Supplemental Budget Application for the Stamford Day Care Program.
Res. No. 1624
Authorizes Preliminary Application for State School Construction Grants for Board of Education Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1625
Approves the transfer of Jurisdiction of Riverbank School from the board of Education of the City of Stamford to the Public Works Department of the City in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance no., 144 of the General Ordinances of the City.
Res. No. 1626
Amends the Commission on Aging Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 1985/86 for a project to be known as Dial-A Ride Mini Bus Replacement in the Amount of $10,000.
Res. No. 1627
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for a Project to be known as Bureau of Sanitation – Harbor Bulkhead, East Branch by adding the Sum of $35,000.
Res. No. 1628
Concerns State Payment-In-Lieu-Of-Taxes.
Res. No. 1629
Authorizes the Mayor to apply for a Neighborhood Rehabilitation Grant from the Commissioner of Housing.
Res. No. 1630
Approves submittal of Program List to the state Commission of Revenue Services in accordance with the Provision of an Act concerning Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance.
Res. No. 1631
Authorizes the Mayor to take action concerning property locate at 191 Belltown Road owned by Joseph Franchina.
Res. No. 1632
Authorizes the City of Stamford to become a member of the Interlocal Risk Management Agency known As CIRMA.
Res. No. 1633
Adopts an amendment to the Capital Projects budget of Public Works Department for a project to be known as Pump Repair Hurricane Barrier by adding the sum of $100,000.
Res. No. 1634
Approves medical benefits for certain employees of the Commission on Aging of the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1635
Adopts an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the Department of Public Works by adding the sum of $81,000.
Res. No. 1636
Authorizes the Mayor to receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut for the purposes of allowing the City of Stamford, through its Department of health, to operate a supplemental food program for low-income women, infants and children financed by the state and federal governments.
Res. No. 1637
Authorizes the Mayor to enter an agreement under the Social Service Block Grant.
Res. No. 1638
Approves the name change of portions of Lindstrom Road and Wallace Street to Harbor Drive.
Res. No. 1639
Authorizes the condemnation of sanitary sewer easements through and under property for sewer project known as Woodridge Drive.
Sense of the Board Res.
Approves an appropriation of $68,650 for replacement of two boilers at Belltown School.
Res. No. 1640
Adopts an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the Department of Public Works by adding the sum of $68,650.
Res. No. 1641
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State Department of Health Services to Provide care for tuberculosis and to control lung disease.
Res. No. 1642
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of health Services regarding the maternal and child health grant.
Res. No. 1643
Authorizes the Mayor to execute the project load and/or Project Grant Agreement with the State of Connecticut for the improvement of the North Street Bridge under the Local Bridge Program.
Res. No. 1644
Authorizes the Mayor to apply for disaster relief for the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1645
Approves the transfer of jurisdiction of Belltown School from the Board of Education to the City of Stamford to the Public Works Department.
Res. No. 1646
Approves lease between the City of Stamford and DeLeuw, Cather/Parsons (DCP) for “Rice School”.
Res. No. 1647
Amends the Department of Welfare Capital Projects Budget for Smith House Residence for a project to be known as window replacement by adding the sum of $20,000.
Res. No. 1648
Authorizes preliminary application for state school construction grants for Board of Education.
Res. No. 1649
Authorizes the Mayor to execute the project load and/or project grant agreement with the State of Connecticut for the improvement of the Pulaski Street Bridge Program.
Res. No. 1650
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for a project to be known as Pulaski Street Bridge by adding $1,950,000.
Res. No. 1651
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application and execute agreement for funds for an Emergency Shelter for the Homeless.
Res. No. 1652
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the Department of Transportation for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 for Dial-a-Ride Services to the Elderly.
Res. No. 1653
Adopts an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the Belltown Volunteer Fire Department by adding the sum of $155,000.
Res. No. 1654
Approves the lease between the City of Stamford and Roadway Express for property located on Magee Avenue.
Res. No. 1655
Approves appointment and establishment of a Fourteenth Charter Revision Commission.
Res. No. 1656
Approves appointment of members to Fourteenth Charter Revision Commission.
Res. No. 1657
Adopts charge of the Fourteenth Charter Revision Commission.
Res. No. 1658
Approves amendment of the Board of Recreation’s Capital Projects Budget for a project to be known as renovation of Cubeta Stadium floodlighting system by adding the sum of $17,000.
Res. No. 1659
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the Connecticut Commission on the Arts for an existing Art Installation Grant.
Res. No. 1660
Approves the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for projects to be known as Trinity Pass Bridge and Reservoir Lane Bridge by adding the sum of $28,600.
Res. No. 1661
Authorizes the Mayor to execute the project load an/or project grant agreement with the State of Connecticut for the improvement of the Trinity Pass Bridge under the Local Bridge Program.
Res. No. 1662
Authorizes the Mayor to execute the project load and/or project grant agreement with the State of Connecticut for the improvements of the Reservoir Lane Bridge under the Local Bridge Program.
Res. No. 1663
Approves the amendment to the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for projects to be known as Trinity Pass Bridge and Reservoir Lane Bridge by adding the sum of $514,400.
Res. No. 1664
Authorizes the Mayor to sign a contract with the State Department of Health Services concerning the sexually transmitted disease program.
Res. No. 1665
Approves the Stamford Museum & Nature Center’s Capital Projects Budget by adding the sum of $23,375.43 for Farm Restrooms.
Res. No. 1666
Authorizes the Mayor to file application and enter into a contract with the State to obtain matching funds for the development of the Stamford Center of the Arts.
Res. No. 1667
Empowers the Mayor to sign lease between the Housing Authority of the City of Stamford and the City of Stamford for Congregate Housing located on the North Side of Vine Road.
Res. No. 1668
Approves administration of funds for the development of congregate housing at the Willard School Site (Cooperation Agreement).
Res. No. 1669
Amends the Commission on Aging Capital Projects Budget for a project to be known as Dial-a-Ride Vehicles by adding the sum $450.00 for minibuses.
Res. No. 1670
Authorizes the agreement and application with the State Department of Health Services for the purpose of Health Education/Risk Reduction.
Res. No. 1671
Authorizes application and agreement with the State Department of Health Services for the purpose of Health Education/Risk Reduction.
Res. No. 1672
Authorizes the filing of a budget application for the Stamford Day Care Program.
Res. No. 1673
Authorizes the Mayor to file application and to enter into a contract with the State to obtain matching funds for the development of the Stamford Center for the Arts.
Res. No. 1674
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the department of transportation, United States of America for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 for Dial-A-Ride Services to the Elderly.
Res. No. 1675
Authorizes the Mayor to file Twelfth Year Application for the community Development Program of the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1676
Authorizes the Mayor to continue the Coastal Management Program for the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1677
Adopts the Operating and Capital Budget fiscal year form July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1987.
Res. No. 1678
Authorizes the issuance of $59,274,433.50 general obligation bonds of the City of Stamford to finance certain of the Capital Projects of the City for fiscal years 1985/86, as amended and 1986/87.
Res. No. 1679
Approves appointment of a member of the Fourteenth Charter Revision Commission to fill a Republican vacancy.
Res. No. 1680
Approves an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the Department of Public Works by adding $163,350 for reconstruction of Dale Street Sewer.
Res. No. 1681
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State Department of Children and Youth Services.
Res. No. 1682
Approves application for the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) for the Summer Busing Program.
Res. No. 1683
Authorizes the filing of a supplemental budget for the Stamford Day Care Program.
Res. No. 1684
Authorizes the preliminary application for State School Construction Grants for Board of Education Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1685
Approves amendment to the Environmental Protection Board’s Capital Projects Budget for a project to be known as Early Warning System by adding the sum of $14,000.
Res. No. 1686
Approves adoption of the City of Stamford Deferred Compensation Plan for Voluntary Participation of Eligible Employees.
Res. No. 1687
Amends Park Regulations to eliminate possessing, selling or consuming alcoholic liquor after 9:00PM.
Res. No. 1688
Approves transfer from the State to the City of Stamford of Highway Property Adjoining Brown Avenue.
Res. No. 1689
Approves License Agreement between the City of Stamford and the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation for Surplus I-95 Highway Property to develop Brown Avenue.
Res. No. 1690
Approves approach for offering the former Burdick School Property for Sale.
Res. No. 1691
Authorizes the Mayor to execute the project loan and/or project grant agreement with the State of Connecticut for the improvement of the Old Long Ridge Road Bridge under the Local Bridge Program.
Res. No. 1692
Approved amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the Department of Public Works by adding the sum of $300,000 for a project to be known as Bridge Old Long Ridge Road.
Res. No. 1693
Approves an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the welfare Department for the Smith House Skilled Nursing Facility by adding $156,000 for replacing brickwork and roof.
Res. No. 1694
Approves amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the New Hope Fire Department by adding $32,000 for acquisition of land from the State of Connecticut.
Res. No. 1695
Amends the Stamford Center for the Arts Budget in the amount of $1,000,000 for a project to be known as Cultural Center.
Res. No. 1696
Authorizes the filing of an application with the Department of Transportation, United States of America for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as amended.
Res. No. 1697
Authorizes an agreement under the Social Service Block Grant.
Res. No. 1698
Authorizes an agreement with the State Department of Health Services for the purpose of establishing and carrying out an Aids Alternate Site Testing and Counseling Program.
Res. No. 1699
Authorizes the Mayor to apply for grant assistance for citywide resurfacing under the Municipal Infrastructure Trust Fund.
Res. No. 1700
Approves Submittal of Program List by Mayor to the Commissioner of Revenue Services in accordance with the provisions of the Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program.
Res. No. 1701
Authorizes an increase in pensions for retirees in the Municipal Classified, Custodian, Fire and Police Pension Plans.
Res. No. 1702
Amends the Board of recreation Capital Projects Budget for a Project to be known as Kweskin Barn Theatre Renovation by adding the sum of $210,528.
Res. No. 1703
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for a Project to be known as Retaining Wall Hillcrest/Lindale Avenue by adding the sum of $100,000.
Res. No. 1704
Enables the City of Stamford to receive Grant Funds from the State of Connecticut under the Town Improvement Program.
Res. No. 1705
Amends the Department of Traffic and Parking Capital Projects Budget for a Project to be known as Signal Computerization by adding the sum of $600,000.
Res. No. 1706
Amends the Turn of River Volunteer Fire Department Capital Projects Budget for a Project to be known as Building Repair by adding the sum of $17,775.
Res. No. 1707
Approves application by the City of Stamford for financial assistance to local housing authorities for Payment-In-Lieu-Of-Taxes Program.
Res. No. 1708
Enables the Department of health of the City of Stamford to receive Grant Funds from the State of Connecticut for the purpose of allowing the City of Stamford, through its Department of health, to operate a Supplemental Food Program for Low-Income Women, Infants and Children, entirely financed by the State and Federal Monies.
Res. No. 1709
Directs that ordinance No. 566 Supplemental be re-recorded in order to correct a typographical error.
Res. No. 1710
Approves application for financial assistance from the Mixed Use Historic Preservation and Revitalization Program for the Downtown Stamford Historic District.
Res. No. 1711
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Health Services regarding the Maternal and Child Health Grant.
Res. No. 1712
Approves Lease between the State of Connecticut and the City of Stamford for property located on Den Road, Adjacent to Merritt Parkway.
Res. No. 1713
Transfers jurisdiction of the traffic island located at the intersection of Strawberry Hill Avenue and Hoyt Street from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Parks and Natural Resources.
Res. No. 1714
Authorizes the Mayor to apply for a Neighborhood Rehabilitation Grant from the State Department of Housing.
Res. No. 1715
Amends the Board of Education Capital Projects Budget for a Project known as Athletic Field Improvements by adding the sum of $17,900.
Res. No. 1716
Concerns the approval of an agreement between Woodside Green Associates, Inc. and the City of Stamford for easements.
Res. No. 1717
Adopts the Housing Site Development Plan for Cross Road Residences Project.
Res. No. 1718
Adopts the Housing Site development Plan for Westview Townhouses and authorizes the application for state assistance and execution of State Assistance Agreement.
Res. No. 1719
Designates the City of Stamford as a Rehabilitation Area and establishes Criteria for the eligibility for real property for assessment deferral.
Res. No. 1720
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission.
Res. No. 1721
Amends the Board of Education Capital Projects Budget for Murphy School renovations project in the amount of $672,799.
Res. No. 1722
Authorizes the Preliminary Application for a State School Construction Grant for the Board of Education.
Res. No. 1723
Approves lease between the City of Stamford and Union Trust Company.
Res. No. 1724
Approves request for construction and acceptance of Briar Woods Trail as a City Street under Chapter 64 of Charter.
Res. No. 1725
Approves the transfer of jurisdiction of approximately 0.9 acres of land adjacent to Westover School from the Board of Education to the Public works Department in accordance with Section 9-8 of the Code of Ordinances.
Res. No. 1726
Authorizes acceptance of up to $500,000 in Rental Rehabilitation Funds from the Connecticut Department of Housing.
Res. No. 1727
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for Seawalls Project in the amount of $65,000.
Res. No. 1728
Amends the Capital Projects Budget for Year 1986-87 for Downtown Historic Grant by adding the sum of $225,000.
Res. No. 1729
Amends the Capital Projects Budget for Year 1986-87 for Shuttle Buses Project in the amount of $420,000.
Res. No. 1730
Authorizes application and agreement with the State Department of Health Services for the Purpose of Health Education/Risk Reduction.
Res. No. 1731
Authorizes Preliminary Application for State School Construction Grants for the Board of Education.
Res. No. 1732
Concerns approval of a contract for sale of Land in the Southeast Quadrant (Extended) Urban Renewal Project for Private Redevelopment to Saint John’s Catholic Church.
Res. No. 1733-I
Concerns approval of a contract for substitution of restrictive covenants on a portion of Reuse Parcel 25 in the Southeast Quadrant Urban Renewal Project
Res. No. 1733
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the Department of Transportation for a grant under Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for Dial-A-Ride Services to the elderly.
Res. No. 1734
Authorizes application with the State Department of Health Services for the purpose of establishing an Aids alternate site testing and counseling program.
Res. No. 1735
Authorizes approval to issue bond anticipation notes for capital projects as required by Section 630 of the Charter.
Res. No. 1736
Authorizes the Mayor to file Thirteenth Year Application for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford, CT.
Res. No. 1737
Authorizes the Mayor execute the Historic Legacy Program Assistance Agreement from the Mixed Use Historic Preservation and Revitalization Program under Section 4-66c of CGS and Public Act 86-396.
Res. No. 1738
Approves agreement for the use of federal funds under the Off-System local Road and Hazard Elimination Program (State Project No. 135-161) to improve the site line for Cedar Heights Road.
Res. No. 1739
Authorizes the City to apply for funding from the State for the Child Day Care Program by executing a local grant-in-aid in accordance with Chapter 133 and 300a of C.G.S. in an amount not to exceed $1,214,438.
Res. No. 1740
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Neighborhood Preservation Foundation, Inc. for the lease of Willard School.
Res. No. 1741
Resolution changing the name of Strawberry Hill Park to Joseph L. Carpinella Park.
Res. No. 1742
Approves adoption of the operating and capital budgets for fiscal year July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988 in the amount of $203,659,704 for the Operating and $13,756,698 for Capital Budget.
Res. No. 1743
Authorizes the Director of Health to enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Environmental Protection which pertain to delegation of authority under section 22a-2a-1 and 22a-2a-2 of the regulation of Connecticut State Agencies.
Res. No. 1744
Approves adoption of Turn of River Volunteer Fire Department Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $97,000 to be financed by bonds for a project known s 474-170 for apparatus Repair Aerial Ladder Truck.
Res. No. 1745
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State Department of Children and Youth Services for funding for the Stamford Youth Planning and Coordinating Agency. .
Res. No. 1746
Authorizes the Mayor to execute a grant agreement under the Social Service Block Grant to provide Counseling services to the elderly in an amount not to exceed $64,078.
Res. No. 1747
Authorizes the filing of an application with the Department of Transportation for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 for a traffic reduction program.
Res. No. 1748
Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the State for the Summer Busing Program for funding up to $2,365.
Res. No. 1749
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State Department of Health Services to provide care for tuberculosis and to control lung disease.
Res. No. 1750
Approves adoption of an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget of the Department of Public Works by adding the sum of $100,000 for a project known as congregate Housing Willard School.
Res. No. 1751
Authorizes the city of Stamford to apply for grant assistance from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection for the Acquisition of property for outdoor recreation in conjunction with the completion of the Greenbelt Project.
Res. No. 1752
Approves submittal to the State Commissioner of Revenue Services under the provisions of Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance (PA 82-469) of program list.
Res. No. 1753
Concerns purchasing practices of the City of Stamford pursuant to Charter Section 484.1, Duties of Purchasing Agent to enforce proper bid procedures for all contracts which exceed $5,000.
Res. No. 1754
Approves adding the sum of $30,000 to a Public Works Project known as Broad Street Bridges (Code 330.260).
Res. No. 1755
Authorizes the preliminary application for State School Construction Grants for Board of Education Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1756
Authorizes the Department of Health to sign a contract to receive grant frond from the State of Connecticut to operate a program for the treatment of and control of sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
Res. No. 1757
Authorizes the Department of Health to sign a contract to receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut to operate a supplemental food program for low-income women, infants and children.
Res. No. 1758
Approves resolution to discontinue a portion of Suburban Avenue.
Res. No. 1759
Approves the naming of the Health Department Facility in memory of the late Dr. Ralph Gofstein.
Res. No. 1760
Approves Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for the monitoring of carbon monoxide.
Res. No. 1761
Approves Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for a risk analysis survey for insurance and retention.
Res. No. 1762
Approves Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for intersection analysis to identify the most hazardous intersections for motor vehicle accidents.
Res. No. 1763
Approves Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for a driver training program for the police officer and fire apparatus driver.
Res. No. 1764
Approves Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for an underground tank management study for various sites throughout the City.
Res. No. 1765
Approves funding in the amount of $119,615 for English as a Second Language (ESL) in the non-public schools for the 1988/89 fiscal year.
Res. No. 1766
Approves amendment to add $66,000 to the Parks Department Capital Projects Budget for Kosciuszko Park.
Res. No. 1767
Approves amendment to add $50,000 to the Public Works Capital Projects Budget for fiscal year 1987/88 for Selleck Street Bridge.
Res. No. 1768
Authorizes the Mayor to execute grant agreement with the State for the improvement of the Broad Street Bridge under Local Bridge Program.
Res. No. 1769
Approves Notice of Intent to discontinue a portion of Gay Street.
Res. No. 1770
Approves application to the State for financial assistance under Section 8-21b for a program of Payment-in-Lieu-of taxes pursuant to Chapters 128, 129, 130 and 133.
Res. No. 1771
Approves amendment to the Capital Projects Budget by adding $300,000 for the State Neighborhood Rehabilitation Grant No. 135-NR-5.
Res. No. 1772
Approves Petition for acceptance of Radio Place as a City street under Chapter 64 of the Charter.
Res. No. 1773
Approves amendment to the Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 1987/88 by adding $6,011,492 for the Transfer Station; project number 343-958.
Res. No. 1774
Approves amendment to Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 1987/88 by adding $95,000 for the Smith House Skilled Nursing Facility for West Wing Roof Repairs.
Res. No. 1775
Authorizes the preparation of an explanatory text for the Charter Revision Questions on the November Ballot.
Res. No. 1776
Approves adoption of the Housing Site Development Plan for Project #135-HSD-11 (Shelter for the Homeless) and authorization for the application for State assistance.
Res. No. 1777
Authorizes the Mayor to apply for a Neighborhood Rehabilitation Grant from the State Department of Housing.
Res. No. 1778
Approves and amendment to the Capital Projects Budget for the Year 1987/88 by adding the sum of $62,378 for Observatory Repairs.
Res. No. 1779
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Health Services to receive funds from the Federal Maternal and Child Health Block Grant.
Res. No. 1780
Approves a Municipal Infrastructure Trust Fund Certificate for a State grant for Street Resurfacing/reconstruction to supplement State Aid Highway to the City to establish an 18 year repaving cycle.
Res. No. 1781
Authorizes Mayor to execute documents in behalf of the Stamford Youth Planning and Coordinating Agency in order to receive a $6,500 grant from the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission.
Res. No. 1782
Approves amendment to the Probate Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $115,000 for a Project known as relocation.
Res. No. 1783
Approves amendment to the Parks Department Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $215,500 for renovation.
Res. No. 1784
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State Department of Environmental Protection regarding a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day Grant.
Res. No. 1785
Approves three year lease for property owned by the State of Connecticut adjoining the Turn of River Fire Department and transfers lease to Turn of River Fire Department.
Res. No. 1786
Approves amendment to the Sewer Commission Capital Projects Budget by adding $995,900.64 for sewer projects to be finances by close-out and transfer.
Res. No. 1787
Approves amendment to the Department to Public Works - Sanitation Bureau Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $100,000 for Hurricane Pump Transformers.
Res. No. 1788
Authorizes the issuance of General Obligation Bonds to finance the cost of certain Capital Projects contained in the Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year 1986/87, as amended, and Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year 1987/88, as amended, totaling $19,509,840.
Res. No. 1789
Authorizes and Agreement under the Social Service Block Grant.
Res. No. 1790
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Federal Urban Mass Transportation Administration for the conduct of a Transportation Management Program funded under Section 4(i)of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as amended and approved in the amount of $269,000.
Res. No. 1791
Authorizes the City to designate Neighborhood Housing Services Stamford, Inc. as a Community Housing Development Corporation.
Res. No. 1792
Authorizes the Mayor to apply of assistance under the State of Connecticut’s Rental Assistance Program.
Res. No. 1793
Designates the Stamford Housing Authority as the local administrator of the State Rental Assistance Program for the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1794
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State for rail parking improvements at the Stamford, Glenbrook and Springdale rail stations.
Res. No. 1795
Approves the Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for emergency electrical power requirements for shelter sites.
Res. No. 1796
Approves the Municipal Liability Trust Fund Certification for local Emergency Planning Committee for hazardous materials response.
Res. No. 1797
Concerns approval of a contract for the exchange of properties in the Southeast Quadrant (Extended) from Urban Renewal Project for private redevelopment to 1010 Washington Boulevard Associates Limited Partnership.
Res. No. 1798
Amends the Parks Department Capital Project Budget by adding the sum of $50,000 for a project to be known as Ice Rink Evaporative Condenser.
Res. No. 1799
Amends the Parks Department Capital Project Budget by adding $10,000 for rink floor repairs to Terry Conners Rink.
Res. No. 1800
Amends the Department of Traffic and Parking Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $54,000 for a Project known as Meter Relocation at Glenbrook Railroad Station.
Res. No. 1801
Amends the Department of Traffic and Parking Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $75,000 for the year 1987/88 for a project to be known as Surface Parking Expansion at Glenbrook Railroad Station.
Res. No. 1802
Amends the Planning Board Capital Projects Budget for fiscal year 1987/88 in the amount of $75,000 for a project to be known as Railroad Station Parking Study.
Res. No. 1803
Amends the Sewer Commission Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year 1987/88 in the amount of $90,000 for a project to be known as High Ridge Sewers.
Res. No. 1804
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State for Rail Parking improvements at the Glenbrook Rail Station.
Res. No. 1805
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement in the amount of $75,000 with the State for Rail Parking improvements to the Glenbrook Rail Station.
Res. No. 1806
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission for youth services.
Res. No. 1807
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services.
Res. No. 1808
Concerns the approval of lease between the City of Stamford and Thomas K. Standish concerning the Bedford Street Garage.
Res. No. 1809
Amends Resolution No 1769 Notice of Intent to discontinue a portion of Gay Street.
Res. No. 1810
Corrects typographical error in Ordinance No. 595 supplemental amending Section 9-4 through 9-8 of the Code of Ordinances regarding sale or lease of City-owned real property.
Res. No. 1811
Amends the Capital Projects Budget to assist Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. adding the sum of $2,200,000 for a project to be known as West Main Street Project.
Res. No. 1812
Amends the Capital Projects Budget for year 1987/88 in the amount of $15,500 for Tank Replacement – to replace defective underground fuel storage tank.
Res. No. 1813
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $78,00 for the year 1987/88 for improvements to Cedar Heights/Clay Hill Road.
Res. No. 1814
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for year 1987/88 in the amount of $150,000 for Broad Street Bridge Improvements.
Res. No. 1815
Authorizes the Mayor to file application and execute agreements with the State Department of Human Resources for Assistance to After School Child Care through the Latchkey Program.
Res. No. 1816
Authorizes the Mayor to file application and execute agreements with the State Department of Human Resources for assistance to Emergency Shelters for the Homeless.
Res. No. 1817
Authorizes the City to enter into an agreement to prepare design plans and cost estimates to repair the Weir Gates and Dam at Holly Pond.
Res. No. 1818
Authorizes the Mayor to file Fourteenth Year Application for the Community Development Program.
Res. No. 1819
Approves the Urban Renewal Plan for the Southeast Quadrant (Extended) Urban Renewal Project, as amended.
Res. No. 1820
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Health Services regarding the School based Health Clinic Grant.
Res. No. 1821
Approves Certified Resolution of Local Agency for Day Care under Chapter 133 and 300a.
Res. No. 1822
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State for construction and maintenance of Urban Systems improvements for the computerized traffic responsive signal system.
Res. No. 1823
Approves the transfer of 2.92 acres of land adjacent to Westover School to the Housing Authority in accordance with Section 488 of the Charter of the City.
Res. No. 1824
Approves a Cooperation Agreement with the Housing Authority for Moderate Rent Family Housing Project No. 135-MR-108.
Res. No. 1825
Authorizes the Application and Agreement with the State Department of Health Services to establish an Aids Alternate Site Testing and Counseling Program.
Res. No. 1826
Authorizes the Filing of an Application with the Department of Transportation for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended.
Res. No. 1827
Approves a Certified Resolution of Local Agency for a Grant for Transportation to State Recreation Areas pursuant to Chapters 133 and 300a under the Connecticut General Statutes.
Res. No. 1828
Approves a Lease between the City of Stamford and GTE Service Corporation for the 3rd and 5th Floors of the Stamford Government Center.
Res. No. 1829
Adopts the Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year July1, 1988 to June 30, 1989 in the amounts of $223,321,923 for Operating and $19,117,783 for Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1830
Authorizes the Application and Agreement with the State Department of Health Services for the Purpose of Health Education/Risk Reduction.
Res. No. 1831
Enables the Department of Health of the City to rec4eive grant funds from the State for the purposes of allowing the to operate a supplemental Food Program for Low Income Women, Infants and Children.
Res. No. 1832
Authorizes the issuance of General Bonds to finance the cost of certain Capital Projects to be added to the Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year 1987-88, as amended, totaling $2,300,000.
Res. No. 1833
Approves a Lease for Office Space on the Second Floor of the Stamford Government Center between the City and Congressman Christopher Shays.
Res. No. 1834
Approves a Lease for Space on the First Floor of the Old Town Hall Annex between the City of Stamford and Deleuw Cather/Parsons (DCP).
Res. No. 1835
Approves a Lease for Office Space on the Sixth Floor of The Stamford Government Center between the City and the Greater Stamford Transit District.
Res. No. 1836
Approves a Lease for Space in the Main Lobby of the Stamford Government Center and the Rehabilitation Center of Southwestern Connecticut.
Res. No. 1837
Adopts the Amendment to the Housing Site development Plan for Project #135-HSD-10 (Cross Road Residences) and authorizes Amended Application and Execution of State Assistance Agreement.
Sense of the Board Res.
Mooring of Lobster Boats at the Southfield Marina.
Res. No. 1838
Approves submittal of the List of Programs to the State Commissioner of Revenue Services in accordance with the Provisions of an Act concerning Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance (PA-469).
Res. No. 1839
Adopts an amendment to the Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year 1988/89 by adding $25,000 for the Willard School Senior Center.
Res. No. 1840
Approves a Contract for the Sale of Land in the Southeast Quadrant (Extended) Urban Renewal Project for Private Redevelopment to Vincent Vartuli.
Res. No. 1841
Approves receiving $123,054 under Section 10-217a of the General Statues of the State of Connecticut for English as a Second Language (ESL) in the non-public schools.
Res. No. 1842
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the State Department of Children and Youth Services for funding for the Stamford Youth Planning and Coordinating Agency..
Res. No. 1843
Authorizes the Mayor to sign a State-Municipality Agreement with the Department of Transportation under the Local Bridge Program Grant.
Res. No. 1844
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the State for a Transportation Center Marketing Study funded through the Stripper Wells Restitution Plan.
Res. No. 1845
Adopts an Amendment to the Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 1988/89 of the Springdale Volunteer Fire Department by adding the sum of $66,868 for an ambulance.
Res. No. 1846
Authorizes the Preliminary Application for State School Construction Grants For Board of Education Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1847
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the State Department of Health to provide services for control and prevention of tuberculosis.
Res. No. 1848
Authorizes the Mayor to file an Application with the Connecticut Commission on the Arts for an Arts Presentation Project Grant.
Res. No. 1849
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into Contract with the State of Connecticut for Funding Assistance for the Construction of the Solid Waste Transfer Station.
Res. No. 1850
Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Health Service regarding the Maternal and Child Health Grant.
Res. No. 1851
Approves Lease between the City of Stamford and the Committee on Training and Development, Inc. for Property known as the Old Cloonan School.
Res. No. 1852
Authorizes the Director of Health to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement and other Agreements with the Commission of Environmental Protection which pertain to Delegation of Authority under Sections 22a-2a-1 and 22a-2a-2 of regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
Res. No. 1853
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 1988/89 for Hubbard Avenue road improvements in the amount of $430,000.
Res. No. 1854
Amends the Board of Education Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 1988/89 in the amount of $151,991 for K.T. Murphy lead removal.
Res. No. 1855
Authorizes the Mayor to execute the application for financial assistance under the Local Capital Improvement Program Act. For Citywide Resurfacing .
Res. No. 1856
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services for Student Mediation and to act as the authorized representative of the City of Stamford for the Youth Mediation Project.
Res. No. 1857
Authorizes an Agreement with the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission to establish an Aids Prevention and Education Outreach Program.
Res. No. 1858
Authorizes the Mayor to execute an Agreement with the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission for the Governor’s Drug and Alcohol Initiative Prevention Project.
Res. No. 1859
Approves an Application to the State for financial assistance under Section 8-216b of the Connecticut General Statutes in order to undertake a program of Payment-in-Lieu-of-Taxes and to execute an Assistance Agreement.
Res. No. 1860
Approves a Lease Agreement between the City of Stamford and the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation for Surplus I-95 Highway Property on Brown Avenue.
Res. No. 1861
Authorizes the Mayor to file and execute an Application with the Commission of Human Resources for a Grant Action Request for counseling elderly residents.
Res. No. 1862
Approves a Lease between the City of Stamford and Stamford Municipal Employees Federal Credit Union for Office Space on the Sixth Floor of the Stamford Government Center.
Res. No. 1863
Adopts the Housing Site Development Plan for Spruce Street Townhouses, finding need for proposed housing and authorizes the Application for State Assistance and the Execution of State Assistance Agreement for low and moderate income persons and families.
Res. No. 1864
Amends the Department of Public Works Capital Projects budget for Fiscal Year 1988/89 in the amount of $3,600 for West Beach Channel Dredging.
Res. No. 1865
Authorizes the Mayor to file an Application and to execute an Agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Services regarding the implementation of a School Based Health Clinic.
Res. No. 1866
Enables the Department to Health of the City of Stamford to sign a Contract and receive Grant Funds from the State of Connecticut for the purpose of operating a program for the Treatment and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infectious Diseases for the Citizens of Stamford.
Res. No. 1867
Authorizes the Mayor to file an Application with the Connecticut Department of Health Services for a Grant in the amount of $15,000 for the Christopher Viesto bone Marrow Registry.
Res. No. 1868
Authorizes the Mayor to file an Application to become a participating member in a Regional Recycling Project.
Res. No. 1869
Approves Fees at the City Dog Pound under Section 22-333 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Res. No. 1870
Adopts an Amendment to the Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 1988/89 in the amount of $40,000 for replacement of an Underground Storage Tank.
Res. No. 1871
Adopts an Amendment to the Sewer Commission Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $548,231.56 for South End Sewer Rehabilitation, Stillwater Road and Section 17-4 Projects.
Res. No. 1872
Adopts an Amendment to the Public Works Capital Projects Budget by adding $113,500 for Fiscal Year 1988/89 for the Railroad Station Communication System.
Res. No. 1873
Adopts an Amendment to the Sewer Commission Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $793,951.19 for Project 14-7 Sherwood Forest and South End Sewer Renovations.
Res. No. 1874
Authorizes the Mayor to file and execute an Application to the State for $2,160,000 for a Project for Construction of the Stamford Center for the Arts – Phase III.
Res. No. 1875
Authorized the Mayor to enter into agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection for a grant for a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day.
Res. No. 1876
Authorizes the Mayor to sign an Inter-local Construction and Financing Agreement between the City of Stamford and the Town of New Canaan relating to the Reservoir Lane Bridge and the Trinity Pass Bridge.
Res. No. 1877
Authorizes the Mayor to sign a Lease Agreement for Office Space on the Second Floor of the Stamford Government Center for Congressman Christopher Shays District Office.
Res. No. 1878
Adopts an Amendment to the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal year 1988/89 by adding $557,000 for the Trinity Pass Bridge and Reservoir Lane Bridge.
Res. No. 1879
Authorizes a tax abatement up to 100% of the ad valorem taxes applicable to Pilgrim Towers.
Res. No. 1880
Adopts Amendment to the Capital Project Budget of the Board of Education for KT Murphy Elementary School for Lead Abatement and Phase II Construction by adding the sum of $1,434,875.
Res. No. 1881
Authorizes Agreement with the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission to establish an Aids Prevention and Education Outreach Program.
Res. No. 1882
Authorizes the City of Stamford to grant an Easement to the Stamford Water Company.
Res. No. 1883
Authorizes the Mayor to File a Fifteenth Year Application for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford.
Res. No. 1884
Authorizes the Mayor to Submit an Application and to execute an Agreement with the State for the purpose of securing funding for open space land acquisition for the Mill River Greenbelt Project. (42 Main Street)
Res. No. 1885
Authorizes the Mayor to submit an Application and to execute an Agreement with the State for the purpose of securing funding for open space land acquisition for the Mill River Greenbelt Project. (46-54 Greenwich Avenue).
Res. No. 1886
Authorizes the Mayor to submit an Application and to execute an Agreement with the State for the purpose of securing funding for open space land acquisition for the Mill River Greenbelt Project. (24 Greenwich Avenue).
Res. No. 1887
Authorizes the Preliminary Application for State School Construction Grants for Board of Education Capital Projects.
Res. No. 1888
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission
Res. No. 1889
Authorizing the Mayor to execute and agreement with the Connecticut Department of Children and youth services
Res. No. 1890
Authorization of issuance of bonds and bond anticipation notes
Res. No. 1891
Authorizes the Mayor to apply for a Grant Action for summer busing.
Res. No. 1892
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the state Dept. of Children and youth services
Res. No. 1893
Authorizing the Mayor to make application and to execute documents for
Res. No. 1894
Concerning the intent to participate in and support a regional recycling program
Res. No. 1895
Adopts the Operating Budget in the amount of $239,693,211 and the Capital Projects Budget in the amount of $20,958,046 for fiscal year July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990.
Res. No. 1896
Approves Tax Abatement for Housing for low or moderate income persons or families.
Res. No. 1897
Authorizing the Mayor to submit and application and to execute agreements with the Fairfield County cooperative foundation in order to secure funding assistance for a feasibility study of the museum in Old Town Hall
Res. No. 1898
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with new neighborhoods, inc. or its affiliated non -profit corporation neighborhoods investment corp. for elderly housing at Belltown School
Res. No. 1899
To amend the Department of Public Works capital projects budget for code 320.0181 canine reconstruction by adding $104,165.54
Res. No. 1900
Authorizing the filing of an application with the Department of Transportation, United States of America for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended
Res. No. 1901
Approving submittal of the attached list of programs to the State Commissioner of Revenue Services in accordance with provisions of Act concerning Connecticut neighborhood assistance (PA82-469)
Res. No. 1902
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Health services regarding the maternal and child health grant
Res. No. 1903
Authorizing application and agreement with the State Department of health services for the purpose of establishing and carrying out an AIDS testing, counseling, and prevention program
Res. No. 1904
Authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State Department of Health to provide services and control and prevention of tuberculosis
Res. No. 1905
Authorizing application and agreement with the State Department of Health Services for the purpose of Health Education/Rick Reduce
Res. No. 1906
Concerning the Board of Education requesting monies for English as a second language
Res. No. 1907
To amend the Dept. of public works capital projects budget for year 1988/89 for code 330.058 West Beach Channel dredging by adding $180,000.00 (One Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars)
Res. No. 1908
Concerning the approval of a lease between the City of Stamford and the Stamford Elderly Housing Corp. for the Smith House Residence
Res. No. 1909
Approves and designates the Stamford Development Fund as a Community Housing Development Corporation.
Res. No. 1910
Concerning State Payment-in-lieu-of-Taxes
Res. No. 1911
To amend the Department of Public Works Capital Projects budget for year 1988/89 for Project to be known as code 341.216 second clarifier by adding the sum of $2,000,000.00 (Two Million Dollars)
Res. No. 1912
To amend the Department of Public Works Capital Projects Budget for Year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 341.401 incinerator repairs adding the sum of $140,000.00 (One hundred forty thousand dollars)
Res. No. 1913
To amend the Department of public works capital projects budget for year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 320.922 underground tank replacement by adding the sum of $450,000.00 (Four hundred fifty thousand dollars)
Res. No. 1914
To amend the Department of Parks and Recreation capital projects budget for year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 650.176 Kweskin Barn Theater renovations by adding the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000)
Res. No. 1915
To amend the Department of Parks and Recreation capital projects budget for project to be known as code 650.176 Kweskin Barn Theater renovations by adding the sum of Five thousand Dollars ($5,000)
Res. No. 1916
Authorization of preliminary application for state school construction grants for the Board of Education capital projects
Res. No. 1917
Approving a written policy concerning the personal use of a city-owned vehicle
Res. No. 1918
For adoption by the legislative bodies of the sixteen cities and towns participation in the southwest Connecticut regional recycling program
Res. No. 1919
To amend the sewer commission capital projects budget for project to be known as code 110.126 section 16-4 for surveying and soil boring services by adding the sum of $35,000.00 (Thirty Five Thousand Dollars)
Res. No. 1920
To amend the department of Parks and recreation capital projects budget for year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 610-133 Kosciuszko park by adding the sum of $65,000.00 (Sixty Five Thousand Dollars)
Res. No. 1921
Authorizing an application submittal under the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Res. No. 1922
Enabling the Department of Health of the City of Stamford to receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut for the purpose of allowing the City of Stamford, through its Department of Health, to operate a supplemental food program for low income, women, infants, and children entirely financed by the State and Federal Governments
Res. No. 1923
Certified resolution of local agency - daycare
Res. No. 1924
To amend the Dept. of public works capital projects budget for year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 330-260 Broad Street Bridge Improvements by adding the sum of $200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Dollars)
Res. No. 1925
To amend the Dept. of Parks and recreation capital projects budget for year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 630-24 Mill River Gazebo improvements by adding the sum of $35,000 (Thirty Five Thousand Dollars)
Res. No. 1926
Certified resolution of local agency
Res. No. 1927
Enabling the Dept. of Health and the City of Stamford to sign a contract and receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut for the purpose of allowing the City of Stamford, through its dept. of Health, to operate a program for the treatment and control of sexually transmitted infectious diseases for the citizens of Stamford
Res. No. 1928
Authorizing the Mayor to file an application and execute an agreement with the State of Connecticut historical commission for a survey and planning grant
Res. No. 1929
To amend the Dept. of Public Works Capital projects budget for year 1989/90 for project to be known as code 330.997 Newfield Avenue/Newfield Drive improvements by adding the sum of $272,000.00 (Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars)
Res. No. 1930
Authorization of issuance of general obligation bonds and/or bond anticipation notes