03/03/2025 |
Regular Board of Representatives Meeting Agenda |
02/03/2025 |
Regular Board of Representatives Meeting Action Report and Video |
02/05/2025 |
Special Board of Representatives Meeting Action Report and Video |
01/06/2025 |
Regular Board of Representatives Meeting Minutes and Video |
01/14/2025 |
Special Board of Representatives Meeting Minutes and Video |
01/13/2025 |
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes and Video |
02/10/2025 |
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes and Video |
02/18/2025 |
Personnel Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/18/2025 |
Transportation Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/19/2025 |
Public Safety & Health Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/19/2025 |
State & Commerce Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/20/2025 |
Operations Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/24/2025 |
Fiscal Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/25/2025 |
Legislative & Rules Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/26/2025 |
Appointments Committee Meeting Agenda |
02/27/2025 |
Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee Meeting Agenda |
Personnel Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. on the following item:
1. P31.064 ORDINANCE for public hearing and final adoption; Amending Chapter 40 of the Code of Ordinances, to add Article LV, Sections 40-199 through 40-202 - Director of Emergency Communications Center
Legislative and Rules Committee will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. on the following item:
1. LR31.092 RESOLUTION and public hearing; Approving an Amended and Restated Lease for the Smith House Skilled Nursing Facility and Scofield Manor The Residential Care Home at 88 Rock Rimmon Road and 614 Scofieldtown Road, City of Stamford, State of Connecticut.
2. LR31.094 RESOLUTION and public hearing; Approving a proposed contract for sale and First (only) amendment for the purchase and renovation of the YMCA at 10 Bell Street, Stamford, CT for use as a recreation center.
Anyone wishing to be heard is invited to attend and speak. You may sign up in advance to speak or submit written comments by sending an email to bdreps@stamfordct.gov or by calling 203-977-4024.
Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in this meeting, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator as soon as possible: Carmen Hughes, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, (203) 977-7993, Email: CHughes1@StamfordCT.gov.